The only recession proof career around here seemingly is be a politician and get elected. If you struggle hard enough through the wherewithal wills and caprices, ( makeup courses nyc) telling lies, half truths and truths all bagged together in one package it is likely you may get your self in one of the state houses spread all around the world.
Check it out state houses on this planet gulp down their wide throats all the mechanical, psychological, and the physiological sweat of the world working population.
I think we have gotten to a frightening threshold in the world to began cutting government and administrative cost I don't mind if it is democracy or not. The mouth jabbing and cheek tearing headliners of how much the governments spreads to run itself made people who can not feed with one dollar mad. If care is not taken fast enough we are gonna have the percentage of madmen increased all over the world and that will not sound too good for those found themselves or those who forced themselves to power either knowingly or unknowingly.
We need a good world am I been prophetic?
Check it out state houses on this planet gulp down their wide throats all the mechanical, psychological, and the physiological sweat of the world working population.
I think we have gotten to a frightening threshold in the world to began cutting government and administrative cost I don't mind if it is democracy or not. The mouth jabbing and cheek tearing headliners of how much the governments spreads to run itself made people who can not feed with one dollar mad. If care is not taken fast enough we are gonna have the percentage of madmen increased all over the world and that will not sound too good for those found themselves or those who forced themselves to power either knowingly or unknowingly.
We need a good world am I been prophetic?