How to beat the speed trap and red light camera detector robots - FAMINE NEWS



Tuesday, February 28, 2012

How to beat the speed trap and red light camera detector robots

Your Personal Navigation Device Is No Longer Just For Navigation!
You drive everyday? then sometimes somewhere you must have been a victim caught in the web of one of those almost impossible to beat traffic robots.
Hate Tickets! Get PhantomALERT!
A traffic ticket is a notice issued by a law enforcement official to a motorist or other road user, accusing violation of traffic laws. Traffic tickets generally come in two forms, citing a moving violation, such as exceeding the speed limit, or a non-moving violation, such as a parking violation, with the ticket also being referred to as a parking citation, notice of illegal parking or parking ticket.

In some jurisdictions, a traffic ticket constitutes a notice that a penalty, such as a fine or deduction of points, has been or will be assessed against the driver or owner of a vehicle; failure to pay generally leads to prosecution or to civil recovery proceedings for the fine. In others, the ticket constitutes only a citation and summons to appear at traffic court, with a determination of guilt to be made only in court.

You drive everyday? probably you may enjoy been held up in a traffic or you love traffic tickets, love traffic jams and owns a GPS or smart phone.
Do I hear you say NO, NO, NO then read on.Then you will need special devices in place to alert you when you are approaching such routes.

 The Specialty POI databases are rapidly transforming point‐to‐point GPS navigation units into lifestyle essential devices. The addition of the PhantomALERT database will help you, as navigation device owner to avoid costly tickets, and be a safer driver. Most PNDs are usually stored in the glove box until they are needed for navigation. Now, with the ever increasing proliferation of Red Light Cameras, Speed Cameras, extensive media coverage and increased ticket costs, some over $400.00; upgrading your device with PhantomALERT and getting it out of the glove box and working for you detecting cameras and speed traps will save you from the unnecessary cost of Red Light Camera & Speed trap tickets! Upgrading your navigation device is simple, affordable and can be done in minutes. The PhantomALERT database is delivered digitally from our website.

Just Purchase, Download and Install. If you have any problems our friendly staff is ready to help! We can even log into your screen and walk you through the process in a few simple steps.