When the wicked are suffering they affect the righteous.
Everybody knows a global pandemic is coming sooner or later. Humanity is practically begging for one with its destruction of the ecosystem, chemical intoxication of the population and reliance on immune-suppressing medications and food additives.
The very structure of human society -- with high-density cities and rapid air travel -- creates a "perfect storm" for the spread of infectious disease.
Ebola has a fatality rate of 50 - 90 percent, depending on the strain. It causes severe immuno-suppression and often leads to death by internal dehydration from the inability of the intestines to absorb water. In Chinese Medicine, Ebola is described as a kind of "blood heat" affliction.
People with suppressed immune systems seem to be especially vulnerable to Ebola, so one of the most obvious defensive strategies is to support your immune function with the following nutritional supplements:
• Vitamin D (which is well known to function as an antiviral medicine)
• Zinc (helps your immune system resist infections)
• Selenium (also boosts immune function)
• Vitamin C (full spectrum source, from plants if possible)