The side effects of Artificial Sweetener (aspartame) - FAMINE NEWS



Tuesday, August 7, 2012

The side effects of Artificial Sweetener (aspartame)

Artificial Sweetener Disease (ASD) is  a new syndrome that is rocking the food world in recent times, you get the syndrome on consumption of aspartame directly or in measures in foods, the indication is recurring headaches, unbearable migraines, depression, anxiety, muscle pain, arthritis flare ups, buzzing or ringing in the ears, chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), Crohn's disease, inflammation, even acid reflux, but they don't call it ASD, or the patients may stop consuming the synthetic sweeteners, and they may not schedule more doctor visits.

The symptoms of this syndrome ranges and can change overnight, it all depends on how much of the chemical sweetener you consume, and which types. Some of them, the combinations are quite toxic. In highly toxic cases, the consumers can migrate from a migraine headache to vomiting or from vision problems to an upset stomach. Some of the indication can also include experiencing central nervous system disorders, cramping, nervous twitches and abnormal reflexes.

The deadly sweetener was approved by Dr. Arthur Hull Hayes, Jr., under the Ronald Reagan Administration in United States in 1980. Ronald Reagan fired the head of the FDA, from strong influence of  Donald Rumsfeld (CEO of Searle Pharmaceutical at the time, Dr. Arthur Hull Hayes, Jr.,  approved aspartame. 
People eat a lot of junk in those days, and Rumsfeld and his colleagues made a lot of dollars selling aspartame not only in USA but exporting it around the globe to unsuspecting international food industries, this artificial sweetener had been banned for decades due to laboratory testing results proving it was carcinogenic. The same FDA controversial approval list processes gave way to sucralose in 1991, and then sorbitol in 2003.