Countries had fought war against other countries e.g El Salvador and Honduras, why? a football referee blew a funny decision in favor of the El Salvadorian team and foot ball fans go nuts.
Football is a passion in Honduras. The country was a part of the Mayan kingdom. Football is about life and death. It has been like this in this areas for years dating from the ancient.
The ancient Mayan cities was fill with football fans and supporters. There were round leather fanatics all over. Kings had their slaves set up special playing areas, football fields. The Mayans were no doubt the first football players played a version of football that was far bloodier and more ritualistic than anything today’s fans can hope to witness, promote or worship. To them it was more than just a game.
To be a ancient football captain in the Mayan city of Copan, Honduras, was an immense honor. Immense honor is to die in a bloody events in honor of their gods.
Today's football sponsorship makes it lucrative and footballer wives are celebrities, now men received far greater rewards for their sporting career. In those days you are a goner for been the best!
In the ancient Mayans, football and human sacrifice became entwined.
It was celebrity, an honor then to have your neck sliced with a sharp ritual knife as reward for becoming a super star in front of football fans and Olympic size stadium.
It wasn’t just the enemies of the republic or football who were sacrificed. Thanks to the blood thirsty rulers, or do we say blood thirsty gods, the captains of winning football teams also received this great head severing honor. Who better to offer up to the gods than the best of the best? The heads of wining football captains were exceptional, talented men, deserving of a place amongst the gods.
Mayan type of football can described best as football without boots.
Can you play a ball made from rubber weighing around seven pounds,wearing a U-shaped belt made of stone, as well as padding on your shoulders, elbows and knees,as in American football (Rugby) to play the game,in front of a blood sucking football fans, using this arsenal on your body to play the game
Smashing the seven-pound rubber ball onto the ground would certainly wake the evil gods of the underworld.
Beautiful you have done what Napoleon could not do cross the Alps end of game, the winners announced and the captain and wining team of the winning side prepared to accept his trophy.
With thousands of spectators, the king would mount an Olympic rostrum, announcing the skills used to the anticipating crowd and the winner of this edition of world cup is.....
Foot ball fans will go #s
The king then steps down he asks the captain to be grabbed by the security what next?
The king sliced the captain’s neck with a special, sharpened, ritual knife. his blood everywhere as an offering to the Mayan gods.
The king and football fans would feel satisfied that their hero had received the world cut and that the gods had received a great heading. The hero, himself, certainly felt the honor of the celestial.
Take the online survey you will notice today’s excelling footballers are idolized and worshiped as gods themselves, mind visiting some the almanacs displaying a mouth bugging billionaires home?
but World Cup, Olympic medals, international fame and lucrative advertising contracts will fade at slightest incident of the honor of being a human sacrifice to the gods of an entire twenty first century civilization.
Perhaps we should start taking the game seriously enough these days. Think it will send people nuts
Yea I think so too
Mind be offering your handsome head to send Famine away!
More than just a game