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Considering if we are heading towards the end time or not we must know from the maker of existence himself to be sure.
Discerning the voice of the Lord can be a daunting task especially when we don’t know he is speaking to us.
The God who loved you enough to die for you loves you enough to speak to you today. It is intriguing to hear from some of the most well-known Christians in history about how God speaks to them and discover for yourself how you can discern the voice of God; the voice that has spoken from a fire and a cloud; with visible signs and an invisible Spirit; through a burning bush and burning hearts.
Prophets and those gifted with visions, dreams and trance walk on the picturesque edge with heresy on one side and truth on the other, we must take our time to learn how to recognize the masters voice, lack of secure instruction through out the ages has led into so many heresy which the church now battles with within.
We as humans needs more than before to begin to hear God speak to us direct in the wake of economic hardship cum social strata break down.This short treatise as an handbook giving step by step procedures of hearing God live!
You can buy this lovely book as a download or as book
Buy as dowload from lulu Voice by Foluso Ojoniyi
or the book from feedaread Voice by Foluso Ojoniyi
Buy as a book from feedaread Voice by Foluso Ojoniyi
Considering if we are heading towards the end time or not we must know from the maker of existence himself to be sure.
Discerning the voice of the Lord can be a daunting task especially when we don’t know he is speaking to us.
The God who loved you enough to die for you loves you enough to speak to you today. It is intriguing to hear from some of the most well-known Christians in history about how God speaks to them and discover for yourself how you can discern the voice of God; the voice that has spoken from a fire and a cloud; with visible signs and an invisible Spirit; through a burning bush and burning hearts.
Prophets and those gifted with visions, dreams and trance walk on the picturesque edge with heresy on one side and truth on the other, we must take our time to learn how to recognize the masters voice, lack of secure instruction through out the ages has led into so many heresy which the church now battles with within.
We as humans needs more than before to begin to hear God speak to us direct in the wake of economic hardship cum social strata break down.This short treatise as an handbook giving step by step procedures of hearing God live!
You can buy this lovely book as a download or as book
Buy as dowload from lulu Voice by Foluso Ojoniyi
or the book from feedaread Voice by Foluso Ojoniyi