The Teacher and the Parent - FAMINE NEWS



Saturday, February 4, 2012

The Teacher and the Parent

The child is prepared for life in his environment. The environment has ample effect on the child. The child is part of a community which consist of divers people living together, the teacher must be ready to influence and for his education to be effective the group as well as the child, and the group through the child.
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The teacher by his education and position must be effective, must be a leader that is displaying attitudes naturally working for the good of his fellow men, as a Christian teacher he has special opportunities and responsibilities. Some of the teachers may play significant roles in their churches and even in the immediate community prospecting every opportunity to get to know the parents of the child you are teaching and making extra effort to get them interested in what the school is doing.

Teachers should lose no opportunity of making friends with parents and giving their sympathy by showing sympathy with them.