Celebrating the Palestinian Identity of Jesus - FAMINE NEWS



Friday, December 16, 2011

Celebrating the Palestinian Identity of Jesus

Hundreds of Palestinians gathered in Bethlehem on Thursday 15 December to light a Christmas tree ahead of the holiday festivities in the town where Jesus was born, Bethlehem now located in West Bank.

Palestinian Prime Minister Salam Fayyad switched on the lighting up the decorations on the 50-foot (15-meter) tree, along with the lights illuminating the rest of the square outside the Church of the Nativity.
Christmas brings the world's attention every year briefly to this West Bank town south of Jerusalem.
Fayyad openly declares an official war on Christians regarding Christmas as an opportunity to

"celebrate the Palestinian identity of Jesus Christ."

Considering the lack of authentic media reports on how Christian Arabs are being harassed, intimidated and publicly maimed like cows in many of the violence in Bethlehem. Christian population has been decimated in Bethlehem thanks to their Muslim Arab counterparts.

According to a reliable report by the US Department of State, the number of Christians in Turkey declined from two millions to 85,000; in Lebanon they have gone from 55% to 35% of the population; in Syria, from half the population they have been reduced to 4%; in Jordan, from 18% to 2%. In Iraq, they will be exterminated. Should the exodus of Christians from Bethlehem continue unabated in the next two or three decades, there may be no clergy left to conduct any religious services in Jesus’ birthplace. In Iran, Christians have become virtually non-existent since 1979, when Khomeini ordered the immediate closure of all Christian schools.

In Gaza, the 3,000 who remain are subjected to persecution. In Lebanon, the Maronites, the only Christians to have held political power in the modern Arab world, have been reduced to a minority because of Muslim violence and Hezbollah’s rise. In 1948, the Middle East was cleansed of its ancient Jews. Today it’s the Christians’ turn.After Hitler the most degrading and inhuman ethnic cleansing was the Islamic hallmark all over the world their leaders must as an urgent be tried in the world Court in the Hague for all this barbaric act, we have heard all the protest by them against the west and lets assume the USA is cleansing ethnics will there ever be a Muslim left on this planet?

Deducting from fact explicitly expressed above, the statement by Palestinian Prime Minister Salam Fayyad will be judged right to be termed as Muslim propaganda to mock and insult Christians by insinuating that Christ was a Palestinian or to say that the Palestinians owns the sacred Christian Place, considering the fact is at the time of Christ it was a city of Israel where King David was crowned. Once it was one of the largest Christian populations in Israel/Palestine, hostility from muslim Palestinians and placement of Jewish settlements has decreased the Christian population by 90% in the last 20 years.

 "The Palestinian Identity of Jesus Christ" is an insult to all forms of Christianity, they the Palestinians know it and they are deliberately telling the whole world the battle is shifted to Christians and not only the Jews.
It is an open truth that Muslims are intolerant of all other religions. In majority Muslim countries it is illegal to do such in reverse and a person would face fines and jail for showing a cross in public. I believe erecting a huge cross in Mecca will be the best retaliatory action from the Christians. They are mocking and insulting every Christian in the world we should not fold our arms till this beasts turn us all to their Ramadan sheep. Let the next American occupation be Saudi.