Government policies are of considerable importance if food output is to be stepped up and maintained. The population of the world keep increasing in spite of the systematic population controls and not minding natural disasters and diseases. Farming is not popular again mass movement to urban centers keep increasing per day and farming is not an interesting subject again in communities all over the world.
USA government is dolling free money out to its citizens to cub economic depression instead of increasing the subsidy on farming inputs to further reduce the price of food, instead of encouraging the populace to go into farming and related businesses instead of looking for white collar jobs and yet many of them are been sacked by the day by companies that cannot survive the meltdown. We don’t know how long the government treasuries can doll out the dollars. Your policies are drowning your allies and non allies that depend on you.
Many African governments, for example are still below the budgetary target of 25% they commit themselves to spending on agriculture and rural development at the former Organization of Africa Unity summit in 1985.
Traditionally African government have organized the distribution of farm inputs such as fertilizers, subsidized retail farm input prices and provide credit. But these policies have been costly and of only limited impact, In Nigeria, 85% of subsidies on the retail prices of fertilizers have in the past swallowed three quarters of the agriculture budget. Several African governments have primed their hopes on the IMF and World Bank approved economic adjustment programs but such programs led to decreasing yields as subsidies on inputs are cut and the resultant effects: farmers fled the farms or rather encourages their wards and friends to leave the farms for better opportunities in the cities.
In addition, associated markets liberalization has meant that the increase in the price farmers get for their crops has not risen as fast as the cost of inputs, currency devaluation a serious demon of IMF for Africa have made imports more expensive, roads maintenance cuts have added to transport bills, and capital has not been so forthcoming as banks can not see any viability again in the agricultural sector they rather preferred to loan manufacturing sectors and the oil sector expecting instant repayments.
We must learn from this lessons of testing policies that are not well research or that does not originates from the country were it was been implemented as it causes untold hardship on the economy, experience has taught us that so many of the effect of this policies cannot in all cases be reversed.
Food production policies must have a longer, broader perspective and tailored to the circumstances of each particular country.
Hard lessons must cease as people are getting hungrier by the day and at the rate the world is going now we need food more than any economic jargon or policies and money juggling.
Government functionaries should not forget that empty bellies and frustrated spirits generally aren’t ready to listen.
Government policies are of considerable importance if food output is to be stepped up and maintained. The population of the world keep increasing in spite of the systematic population controls and not minding natural disasters and diseases. Farming is not popular again mass movement to urban centers keep increasing per day and farming is not an interesting subject again in communities all over the world.
USA government is dolling free money out to its citizens to cub economic depression instead of increasing the subsidy on farming inputs to further reduce the price of food, instead of encouraging the populace to go into farming and related businesses instead of looking for white collar jobs and yet many of them are been sacked by the day by companies that cannot survive the meltdown. We don’t know how long the government treasuries can doll out the dollars. Your policies are drowning your allies and non allies that depend on you.
Many African governments, for example are still below the budgetary target of 25% they commit themselves to spending on agriculture and rural development at the former Organization of Africa Unity summit in 1985.
Traditionally African government have organized the distribution of farm inputs such as fertilizers, subsidized retail farm input prices and provide credit. But these policies have been costly and of only limited impact, In Nigeria, 85% of subsidies on the retail prices of fertilizers have in the past swallowed three quarters of the agriculture budget. Several African governments have primed their hopes on the IMF and World Bank approved economic adjustment programs but such programs led to decreasing yields as subsidies on inputs are cut and the resultant effects: farmers fled the farms or rather encourages their wards and friends to leave the farms for better opportunities in the cities.
In addition, associated markets liberalization has meant that the increase in the price farmers get for their crops has not risen as fast as the cost of inputs, currency devaluation a serious demon of IMF for Africa have made imports more expensive, roads maintenance cuts have added to transport bills, and capital has not been so forthcoming as banks can not see any viability again in the agricultural sector they rather preferred to loan manufacturing sectors and the oil sector expecting instant repayments.
We must learn from this lessons of testing policies that are not well research or that does not originates from the country were it was been implemented as it causes untold hardship on the economy, experience has taught us that so many of the effect of this policies cannot in all cases be reversed.
Hard lessons must cease as people are getting hungrier by the day and at the rate the world is going now we need food more than any economic jargon or policies and money juggling.
Government functionaries should not forget that empty bellies and frustrated spirits generally aren’t ready to listen.
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