In 1901, a rainstorm in Minneapolis, MN rained frogs to a depth of few inches, it was said to have disturb traffic. Fish rain fell from the sky in Singapore in 1861, repeating the weird senario again over a century later in Ipswich, Australia in 1989. Inhabitants living in southern Greece experience rain, one morning in 1981 to find that a shower of frogs had covered the entire village. Rain of herring prevented Golfers in Bournemouth, England from play a game so dear to them, the fish falls with a light shower in 1948. In 1901, a huge rainstorm doused Tiller's Ferry, SC, and rained catfish, to an extent that fish were found swimming between the rows of a cotton field. In 1953, Leicester, MA experienced a downpour of different specie of frogs and toads, even clogging the rain gutters on the roofs of houses. This phenomenon has come to stay as More frogs came with rain in Missouri in 1873 and Sheffield, England in 1995, and more fish in Alabama in 1956.