An important new study in the realm of astrophysics has revealed that up to 40 percent of red dwarfs (a type of star or "sun") may harbor a large Earth-like planet orbiting at just the right distance to support life as we know it.
Why is this a big deal? Because the number of stars in our own galaxy, the Milky Way, is believed to contain from 200 to 400 billion stars. Each of those stars is a "sun" to its local solar system, and an estimated 70% to 90% of those stars are red dwarfs. (See sources below.)
Some of those potentially life-harboring planets are practically next-door neighbors in a galactic sense: As many as 100 such planets may exist within just 30 light years of Earth.
Again, why does this matter? Because the Milky Way is 13.2 billion years old (or so, according to estimates). While the rise of human civilization and modern technology has occurred in just the last few thousand years, that same epoch of scientific advancement could have taken place on other planets millions of years ago.
This could mean that other living beings in our own Milky Way are quite literally millions of years ahead of us in technology, consciousness, philosophy and other areas of knowledge and understanding.
We Earthlings are but ignorant infants compared to something like that. Here we are on Earth, still shooting lead bullets at each other over fossil oil reserves and mined metals. More advanced civilizations have undoubtedly unlocked secrets of free energy, elemental transmutation, faster-than-light travel, bioenergy, mind-matter interactions, the nature of consciousness and much more. They must be laughing at us right now, it would seem.