

Monday, August 1, 2011


they are in our midst

Science should know that there was a properly documented historical account of aliens among us.Look into every history book in existence and you willbe surprise to find account of extraterrestrial intrusion to earth properly documented.

The problem is that they did not come in space ships like the one NASA build or in the imaginable spacers we draw from our human imagination but all the while we have been living with aliens around us since the inception of planet earth.

You will ask me right
Every religion or permit me to say every body knows that two distinct force control this planet classified simply as the 'good' and the 'bad' the good we most often refer to as God in some circles nature, big bang
or whatever  The bad we say the 'devil' or 'Satan' or better still 'evil' 'horror'.

My mother lived in village as a young girl where all this alien you imagine in your brain in the west comes out and they see them physically they lived in trees and forests they have their own community life styles they will warn  the humans not come to the forest on days when they ARE meeting or celebrating
so the humans will not disturb them.

When you say 'ALIEN' we call them in our language 'IWIN' that is inhuman beings they come in different shapes and some of the inhabitant do worship them but most of the time they were subjected to the human control who DICTATE which part of the forest they can occupy read more here

Mummy said,in their village as a young girl they are exposed to this extra terrestrial beings who they see physically. They have a kind of special odor that oozes from their body which makes it easier for the inhabitants of the village to notice when they around the funny thing is we too have a certain kind of smell that is offensive to them.

They come in different shapes mother said, one legged, one eyed and other funny shapes that are similar to what you people draw in the west as pictures standing for an alien.

This creature are adapted to our ways of life like they drink farm and do all sort of  thing humans do but most of the time their characters can not in any way classified them on the 'good' side as they encourage human sacrifices and other dangerous escapades in research for diabolical magic.

She narrated their was a day she was coming from the streams where she and her friends went to fetch water. In those days they used fired earthen ware pots. They were on their last trip and last trips always make room for swimming and bathing in the river that was the highest order of fun a little girl of her age can use to amuse herself in the village settings. By the time they were coming back home it was getting dark they met some farmers on the footpath back home who were also late on the farms.

Normally according to customs the elderly will lead the way on this footpaths and the children will follow from behind. There was a jostling among them who will be directly behind the home bound farmer and his family. The farmer's son a boy of about four was finally pushed to the very last slot on the long queue. It was an ample opportunity for this small boy alien who saw it as a chance to have a little fun with the boy they were at it for some time before their relation turns sour little kids for you. It was now very dark the stars shinning in the sky farms are usually a long walk from the village.

StylinTrucks.comThe village was close by now and the quarrel ensued. The boy shouted from the back of the pile.

'Mummy come and this one eyed boy starring hard at me!'

Commotion everyone of the girls including my mother threw their pots away and ran in fear to the village