Philosophical, scientific and religious speculations. - FAMINE NEWS



Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Philosophical, scientific and religious speculations.

                         Utopia and or Biblical crises? / Many writers, / philosophers or should we call them          speculators for see 2000 AD and thereafter as in ending of millions of years of existence of humanity and the sphere called earth.

Dated back to the middle centuries Historians, Scientist ,Alchemists and Religions predicts that there is a probability that a day has been earmarked by providence or whatever thing or whoever is it that makes the earth to come into existence. Letting the entire activity human, spiritual or scientific eventually winds up.

Various discoveries have proven that the structure we called earth has a starting date, a day that everything took off.

It has been scientifically proved that the entire universe started from a single Dot. Various interstellar discoveries show that the universe is still expand at a certain rate. And over and over again everything had a sham starting date and ending date including the life of everything that expands on the earth surface. So it is natural to expect an ending date to the entire structure.

Which endings do we expect Scientific, Philosophical or Religion in overview of many scientific analyses which tend to prove that the earth will eventually rotate and the gravitational pull from the sun will reduces the distance in between the Sun and the Earth gradually, both making the earth to leave the geo-stationary orbit resulting in chaos that will eventually destroy existence, This was the earliest findings before the effects of greenhouse now began to speed up- warming in atmosphere more than the effect of the geo-stationary position of the earth.

Philosophically, thoughts are numerical each influencing science or religion and backing up various speculations with expression of cognitive understanding and logical presentations.

Philosophy being a human inquiry into the system or logical existence, it propounds many logical hypotheses on to the looking right ahead either through scientific means or religion means.

Free phone & Free MinutesReligion it is various hydrants protruding into various believe has been bibliographically proved, that the entire existence has a termination date.

Inquiries which ones are we to expect, were dropped into the hallway of labyrinths tunnels, each leads to an unknown future or destiny. Has humans we must continue to inquire and explore even it we do not categorically pen the eventual doomsday at least it is a stationary fact that our life's one day will ends with death. Utopia or Biblical we all die.

Religion it is various hydrants protruding into various believe has been bibliographically proved that the entire existence has a terminator date.

Inquiries which ones are we to expect, were dropped into the hallway of labyrinths tunnels, each leads to an unknown future or destiny. Has humans we must continue to inquire and explore even it we do not written the eventual doomsday at least it is a stationary fact that our life's one day will ends with death.
Utopia or Biblical we all die.

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